I’m not a huge TV person by choice. I’ve been moving our family slowly away from time spent in front it — no huge TV, just a tiny one. No(keep reading)
Category: Musings
I love when God uses my kids to bring conviction to my heart. My oldest son, who is 11, has worked toward something this school year that I wasn’t sure(keep reading)
First Day of Spring!
I don’t know when it happened. Maybe it was after I read the book Making Ordinary Days Extraordinary. Maybe it was my grandma’s words ringing in my ears “take joy(keep reading)
The great vaccine debate
My children are doing persuasive speeches this week. One is doing the speech on why we SHOULD vaccinate our children. In an interesting twist, the other is doing the speech(keep reading)
I Still Do
19 years ago, my dad walked me down the isle and I said “I Do” to forever. I had no idea what I was doing. My mind was full of(keep reading)
Ice Bucket Challenge
I have seen the ice bucket challenge all over my Facebook feed over the last week or so. I thought nothing of it at first except that it was funny.(keep reading)
It’s more than meets the eye
This morning I realized I had pushed my kids too long. Too hard. For too long. With too little sleep. With too much junky food. We were a mess that(keep reading)
The days are long, but the years are short
My kids took a nap today. Partly because summer kids are tired kids. Partly because mommy needed an hour to clean bathrooms and fold laundry while listening to classical music.(keep reading)
Young Love
I love hanging out with newlyweds. They are so cute and in love. I think that people who have been married a while tend to dismiss that desire to serve(keep reading)
The Accuser
I posted this on Dec. 3rd last year. It’s still as poignant today as it was then, so I thought I’d share… Yesterday I was speaking with a friend who(keep reading)