Yesterday I had a friend post this on Facebook:
“So I’m at the post office, and a girl is ahead of me is all excited mailing off forms to her college. She just graduated from a local school she was saying. She turns and asks where do I put the stamp on this envelope? Really??? She was serious. Hmmmm.”
My response was “don’t people have Pen Pals anymore?” Maybe it’s just me because I have lots of family and friends that live out of state, but I love that my kids have learned to write letters/thank you notes, address envelopes, and put stamps on all by themselves! Granted, we don’t do it nearly enough, but they are pretty adept at the whole envelope thing. So that got me thinking about something I saw on Pinterest (which, if you knew me in person, you would hear me say multiple times throughout the day!). I found a super cool blog that had tons of ideas for all of these unusual things you could mail, as long as they are 13oz or less. So I now have a renewed commitment to be more intentional about making my kids write to their friends and family. I will not have a daughter heading to college who doesn’t know how to mail something! I’m off to go buy some stamps!